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Olly Multivitamins reduced CPC and improved campaign performance with automated dayparting


Olly Multivitamins, a trusted leader in the Health & Wellness category faced a challenge with their campaigns going offline during peak shopping hours on Amazon, leading to missed sales opportunities and hindered performance in the multivitamin category. To address this issue, they implemented automated dayparting with Pacvue Amazon Stream data, enabling them to optimize bid adjustments and extend campaign duration during peak hours. The successful implementation resulted in a remarkable 3% drop in CPC, a substantial increase of 510 bps in CVR, and a noteworthy 28% increase in average campaign duration. By leveraging Pacvue’s solution, Olly effectively overcame the challenge, improved performance, and achieved the desired results. 

The Challenge 

Olly experienced campaigns going offline during peak shopping hours on Amazon, which resulted in missed sales opportunities and hindered performance in the multivitamin category. 

The Solution 

To address the issue, Olly implemented automated dayparting with Pacvue Amazon Stream data. This solution allowed them to make hourly bid adjustments based on conversion rates, optimizing campaign performance during peak shopping hours and extending campaign duration. 

The Results 

The implementation of automated dayparting with Pacvue Amazon Stream data delivered impressive results for Olly. They experienced a 3% drop in CPC, an increase of 510 bps in CVR, and a 28% increase in average campaign duration. These outcomes showcased the effectiveness of the solution in overcoming the initial challenge and driving improved performance.   

By leveraging Pacvue’s automated dayparting solution, Olly effectively addressed the challenge of campaigns going offline during peak shopping hours. The implementation not only led to improved performance but also increased sales, enhanced conversion rates, and extended campaign duration. By implementing automated dayparting with Pacvue Amazon Stream data, Olly not only successfully addressed the issue of campaigns going offline during peak shopping hours but also witnessed remarkable improvements in performance metrics.

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