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Sabra dives deep into Amazon campaign automation with Pacvue

The Challenge 

The hummus and other dips category is incredibly competitive on Amazon. Sabra knew they needed a more efficient way to reach their customers, but they also needed to pursue every touchpoint possible if they wanted to overtake their competitors in the category. That meant they needed to pursue a full-funnel approach, using all of the sponsored ads products. 

The Solution 

Sabra turned to Pacvue to have a partner that not only would help them scale, but also educate them on best practices along the way. 

During July and August 2021, Sabra leveraged Pacvue’s customizable automation, keyword research, and campaign recommendations to help them scale. In particular, Sabra used rule-based automation available in Pacvue to set specific optimization strategies, such as adjusting bids for target ACOS, to hit their growth goals while maintaining costs. Furthermore, Sabra used Pacvue’s proprietary Share of Voice to make sure they were bidding on the most important keywords in their category and measure improvement in their rankings over time. 

The Results 

Sabra saw a 12% increase in Sales per Conversion. 

“The Pacvue team is absolutely amazing partners to work with, and their tech is top-notch. The ability to dive deep into our search campaigns beyond what we normally get with retailers or ad networks is really great. We can automate rules, implement day parting, get a ton of insights, and ultimately optimize to get better results than what we had in the past.” Dennis Katnelson, eCommerce Lead at Sabra. 

Going forward, Sabra is excited to continue diversifying their ad spend with Pacvue, including Amazon DSP, to give them more flexibility on targeting and more control over creative to continue building their brand on Amazon. To continue scaling their omnichannel growth beyond Amazon sponsored ads and Amazon DSP, Sabra now also manages their Walmart, Instacart, Criteo, and Kroger advertising through Pacvue. 

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